“Clutter; may it be on an office desk, or in a fish market, in a public transport or of your thoughts inside your mind…
Clutter always creates confusion, mess and ultimately no results”…
Needless to say that such is even the market of publications. With the ever increasing demand of research publications, mandatory criteria’s for post graduates and staff for publications have though made our scholars competitive, but have also made the publication houses and journals become commercial. With the advent of the era of research publications there is also a huge market of research publications with a new journal coming into being every single day…
Hence, it becomes all the more cumbersome and exhaustive task for the individual research scholar to target authentic and accurate journals. Moreover, especially in the field of life sciences and agricultural sciences the scenario is much more pronounced due to strict criteria’s. Thereby, such a journal indexed with top indexing, which have a broader scope to accumulate majority of the fields and give appropriate review comments to quench the need of specialty learning of the individual that to in an apt amount of time seems nothing less than a dream.
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural science (JEBAS) is an open access journal which is crowned with all top indexations including UGC-CARE Indexed Journal list Group II, AGRICOLA DATABASE (NAL-USDA, United Stats) (CABI – (UK) which provides authors an authentic and user friendly experience to publish their researches.
JEBAS Umbrella-
Talking about one of the most vibrant side of the journal is the huge spectrum of research scope that it provides to various researchers across the fields. Systematically the layout of the scope of the journal would be as follows-
The journal accepts all the work related to microbiology, botany, ethnobotany, parasitology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, molecular biology, animal physiology, animal pathology, plant physiology, plant pathology, toxicology, biotechnology, environmental biology, food science, nutrition, zoology, enzymology and endocrinology.
Healthcare and medicine-
The journal also encourages the publication of both preclinical researches which primarily indulge into molecular and cellular research, genomics, immunology and clinical trials involving vaccines and drug development. Health care research topics of journal interest include, Epidemiology, Advances in Medical Education technology, researches from all specialities of medicine including Gynecology and Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Pulmonology and respiratory medicine, Anesthesiology , Cardiology ,Nephrology, Critical care medicine, Dermatology, Emergency medicine, Gastroenterology, General practice, Hematology, Internal medicine, Neurology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Pathology, Preventive medicine, Psychiatry, Radiology, Sports medicine, Rheumatology, Surgery, Dentistry, , Physiotherapy, Healthcare Services, Healthcare Management.
With the Pharma industries witnessing a boom in the current scenario, the number of pharmacological evidences and drug trial reports as well as vaccine studies has also struck the top most mark on the peak!
In the view of the current scenario, JEBAS has also widened its horizons to accommodate all the researches falling under the scope pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenetics, drug interatctions, cellular and molecular pharmacology, Targeted drug delivery systems, medical devices, pharmaco economics, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacotherapy, pharmacovigilance and drug safety related research papers.
Agricultural Sciences-
One of the main motives of JEBAS was to bring into the limelight a very important field of research which is agriculture especially in India and related countries, wherein, agriculture constitutes a major portion of the livelihood and also the economy.
Hence, the journal has a broad scope for all the relevant topics in the field of agricultural sciences including breeding, agricultural economics, agricultural biotechnology, crop genetics, agricultural statistics, agricultural physiology, agricultural botany, forestry, agroforestry.
JEBAS welcomes pioneer research work on modernization in agricultural sciences and thereby smart farming and utilization of land and other resources are of great research interest. Thus, topics related to soil science and soil health; land use; environmental impacts of agriculture, impacts of climate change; climate change adaptation and mitigation; climate-smart agriculture; carbon sequestration; rural biodiversity as well as topics related to Agricultural Business, Agricultural Computational Models, Agricultural Electrification and Automation, Applied Mechanical Engineering for Agriculture, Agricultural Informatics, Agronomy Horticulture, Agricultural Aquaculture etc are also gaining much interest on the table.
Veterinary Sciences
The major scope of JEBAS though revolves around the biological and agricultural sciences, but since animal as resources are very much confined to the fields of interest, hence, the journal has a special scope for veterinary medicine, veterinary pathology, veterinary microbiology, veterinary genetics, veterinary microbiology and veterinary parasitology.
Why Choose JEBAS for your publication?
JEBAS is an international open access journal with all the major jewels of indexations including UGC-CARE List Group II journal, AGRICOLA DATABASE (NAL-USDA, United States), Index Copernicus value 2021-120.54, CAS (A division of American Chemical Society), CABI, j-gate and Cross-reference.
JEBAS has a bimonthly issue and thereby publishes 6 issues per year with a prompt and meticulous peer review and a good acceptance rate.
Student friendly Policies-
We at JEBAS understand the pocket heavy expense that goes around for conducting and publishing the research studies. Hence, the policy makers of the journal have framed attractive student waiver policies The journal charge very minimum APC against the articles to be published and to top it, has certain waivers that depend upon the country (High income/Middle income/Low income), quality of the research paper, length and auxiliaries present in the paper to be published.
Journal provides student waivers on the first come first basis and believes that research publishing should not face the barrier of finances at any cost. JEBS thereby encourage students to take benefits to a maximum extent.
Ethical Practices-
JEBAS is publication strictly adheres to the COPE guidelines for publication and discourages all kinds of research fabrication and falsification. In case of any of the malpractice, a team of experts set a thorough investigation and a logical conclusion is met. Further actions are taken according to those mentioned in the COPE guidelines.
Making the right Choice
The vast amount of Umbrella and the policies of the journal make JEBAS correct choice for researcher from vast amount of domains!
Author: Dr. Ketki Kalele Bhokare (Oral & Maxillofacial Pathologist)
Founder & Director of “Dent-O-Path” Oral pathology & Research Centre
Managing Director Neuron Institute of Applied Research
Associate Professor, V.Y.W.S Dental College and Hospital,
Amravati, Maharashtra, India