Save Trees – An alternative for wood

Save Trees – An alternative for wood

There are recent estimates shows that there are roughly around three trillion trees living on the earth and about15.3 billion of them are cut down every time. Upcoming Environmental conference will give us clear ideas on Numerous of the trees that we use for our homes and our cultures take hundreds of times to grow, making them a nearly non-renewable resource. This means that they aren’t fluently or snappily replaced. These trees are essential to sustaining life in their surroundings and on our earth as a whole. The end of them means the end of us. Fortunately, we don’t have to contribute to this destructive trend. Our List of upcoming conference will focus on numerous options that are available to us to reduce cutting down of trees

Using By-products

Every time wood or paper products are made, the intermediate product known as “residue” or “by-products”—is created. This product includes sawdust, wood shavings, shreds of paper etc. We can reuse these items to make things such as particleboard or fibreboard and so on.

Plants alternatives for tree pulp

The Natural fibres from the trees are used to make Pulp. Thepulp is the base for a lot of products, such as toilet paper, packaging materials etc. But other plants also have such natural fibres that can also be used to make pulp. These plants include Bamboo, flax, hemp and wheat straw etc. These can be used as alternatives for tree pulp

Recycled paper

Paper can have a very long life. Instead of throwing away newspapers, magazines, that can be sent to a recycling facility. It will be further broken down with chemicals, water and heat; strained; cleaned; de-inked; sometimes bleached; mixed with water; and turned into paper that can be used to create more newspapers, magazines, and more.

Join our international conference to know more about 3R-Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Furniture from rice husk

India is a pioneer of paddy production. Rice husk is the yellowish cover that protects rice. It is separated from the rice after the rice milling process. Rice husk is being produced on a large scale. Furthermore, most of it is being wasted. To make rice husk useful, it can also be used to make furniture.

Trees that are not frequently used

In forest there are more than 100+ tree species, most of our wood products are made from the same two dozen of the species. This is because the consumer demand for this type of wood is high. Tis type of tree species are now threatened with extinction due to over-harvesting. One solution to this challenge is harvesting species that are less traditional but have similar characteristics in terms of performance and aesthetics.

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