The wealthiest businessman in India, Mukesh Ambani, has a youngest son named Anant Ambani. Anant Ambani, Height 5 ft 8 in (173 cm) and in less than 18 months, he lost an astounding 108 kg, which attracted a lot of media attention. There is a history of persistent asthma in the younger Ambani and gained much weight due to the medication he took. He decided to take charge of his health in 2014. It is claimed that he used natural methods to lose weight, adhering to a strict diet and working out for five to six hours each day. Anant’s Dietitian emphasized that Anant could not even consider surgery owing to his medical circumstances, putting any rumours to rest. Instead, it was a challenging and protracted process that involved a high-protein, low-carb, sugar-free diet as well as five to six hours of exercise per day that included a 21-kilometer walk, yoga, weight training, functional training, and high-intensity cardio. With this metamorphosis, he instantly rose to fame among young folks and served as an example for those looking to lose weight.
Nearly every other day, he continued his workouts from 9 pm to 12 am, which were followed by low-intensity training that occasionally continued until 4 am. He began his workout with the proper level of intensity. Anant began with practicing balancing training, which involved arm and leg reaches, subsequently progressing to lightweight training with high reps. He started doing exercises like planks, push-ups, burpees, and other functional training to tone his body once he had completely shed all the extra fat. Anant’s eating habits were modified and his days began with sprouts, soups and salads. All junk food was replaced with protein-enriched foods, more fiber, and less carbohydrates. Six meals a day then started to include more vegetables, cottage cheese, fruits, quinoa etc. He used to start his day with a cup of fresh cow milk and also include ghee in his diet every day.
A driven individual who served as a role model for young people in Indian History, but what changed all of a sudden to make him start putting on weight once more? Isn’t that shocking?
Genetics play a substantial purpose; genes have a power to alter every response of the body and supposedly it might be salutary or might be agony. Epigenetic factors, environmental factors along with genetics also matter in terms of maintaining a sustainable healthy life.
Starting from his weight reduction journey, he has had asthma since childhood, and he has been on medication for a long time. The findings suggest that medicine may cause weight gain beginning in childhood. According to the report he was taking steroids for his asthma, and it could be more difficult to exercise or stay active because of his asthma symptoms. Long-term steroid use frequently causes an increase in appetite, which can result in weight gain. Additionally, taking oral steroids can cause increased fluid retention, which can lead to weight gain. So, if he had begun the proper personalized diet with exercise, he probably would not have gained this weight. But he did follow everything and changed his lifestyle. Consequently, over the period, it isn’t sustained.
Anant Ambani, therefore, must have his genetic testing report, gut microbiome report, and pathological report because if it is only for medication, he would not be able to reduce his weight in a short period.
There are many possible mechanisms by which he gained his weight again. Beginning from the exercise as per the report, his exercise time was 9 pm to 12 am, which was followed by low-intensity training that occasionally continued until 4 am. But every person has a clock gene and circadian rhythm. It defined which time would be perfect for exercise to get the best result, and followed by if he had gene-fitness testing, it specified the exercises that would be most advantageous to him. Gene-fitness testing gives results about endurance, muscle power, and lung function, followed by pain tolerance, handgrip strength, weight loss with exercise, etc., according to that dietitian would recommend which exercise would be beneficial and effective for a long-term result. He frequently exercised throughout his journey, but if a couple of those exercises do not provide positive benefits or do not result in favourable outcomes for him genetically, then his body could exhibit negative effects over time.
The biggest game-changer is when a genetic report reveals whether a person has the propensity to put on weight. People with certain genetic types tend to quickly regain weight after having been on a weight loss program. In Ambani’s case, it is evident that he has this inclination and has gained it once more. Therefore, the genetic report is important for him, and he would not have gained weight if he were aware of this and followed a sustainable diet plan.
Coming to his diet he was following a high protein diet, more fiber and less carbohydrate diet according to his dietitian.
The question is now: Why did he gain weight again after reducing it? Most importantly, if his genetic profile indicates that he consumes fibre and has a moderate inclination to lose weight, it is obvious that when he stopped adhering to the restricted diet, he did not see any results and in fact gained weight because it was not favourable to him and this is same for protein. Apparently, if his genetic report shows he is a slow metabolizer for protein or his response to MUFA or PUFA better than HDL, and LDL, he would have maintained his weight by having a proper meal each time. He would have avoided some items or substituted them with healthier options if he had known about these additional risks, which include saturated fat and a tendency to gain weight. A genetic profile would provide accurate results regarding which vitamins are beneficial for him and which are non-favourable, allowing us to make changes and allow him to maintain a diet.
His genetic report would have helped him understand a few things, including his tendency to overeat and the necessity of eating between meals to prevent keeping a lengthy gap between meals. The gut-microbiome research would have given him a better understanding of his metabolism, pro-inflammatory activity, anti-inflammatory activity, and many other pathways that would have helped him to achieve a favourable outcome.
It is now identified that the FTO gene, which is mainly accountable for obesity, if it is mutated, it will 90% increase the risk for obesity, but if he would have been aware of all the ways he could put on weight, the problem could easily be resolved by making healthy food choices, substituting them scientifically, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Now he is at risk of various diseases, as he gained weight, there may be a significant chance that he will develop cardiovascular disease or hypertension as a consequence of the undesirable fat that has accumulated. LDL cholesterol can build up on the walls of his blood vessels when his body has too much of it; Known as “plaque,” this accumulation has been linked to health issues like heart disease and stroke. Besides that, he would develop Type 2 diabetes because an initiating factor for diabetes linked to insulin resistance is obesity. Adipose tissue in obese people releases higher levels of non-esterified fatty acids, glycerol, hormones, and pro-inflammatory cytokines that may contribute to the emergence of insulin resistance. His kidneys can also be negatively impacted directly by being obese. The kidneys must work harder and filter more waste than usual as a result of being obese. These are all potential future occurrences, so he ought to have undergone genetic and gut microbiome testing for a better understanding and to empower him to make better, healthy lifestyle changes for a better future.
To avoid any further consequences for his offspring, he should do genetic testing and for having a better understanding of what they should do and not do for their children and what are the best practices for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Nutrillion Upgrading Health
Nutrillion Upgrading Health finds out the root cause of that problem, and accordingly, we create the best possible solutions. We take a multi-pronged approach to assisting you in becoming scientific, personalised nutrition, advising regular monitoring and weekly progress checks, as well as supplement recommendations based on client’s genetic, gene-fitness, gut microbiome and pathological reports. We provide nutrigenetic, nutrigenomics, gut microbiome, and pharmacological tests to determine the absolute reason behind people’s lifestyles and to help people all over the world. We aim to help clients realize the core reason behind a particular goal which actually works on the health aspect overall rather than just at the surface level. We have networks throughout the country as well as in 18 other countries, such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Although obesity is a dilemma, there are numerous factors involved that contribute to this condition, thus we choose to emphasize on those factors and the underlying causes rather than on weight reduction. If we overlook those relatively insignificant factors, we will not be able to accurately recognize the problem associated with obesity that might be going to arise in the near future. To confront and change the client’s existing condition and facilitate them in achieving a better, more sustainable future, we plan to use personalized nutrition.
Author : Dr Rishabh Verma,
Founder and Chief Nutritionist of Nutrillion Health LLP,